Mar 20, 2010

Against All Odds

Online classes seem like a wonderful idea. I can do classwork that I would normally do in school from the comfort of my home. As I said, they only SEEM like a wonderful idea. After taking being forced to take online classes due to my license situation, I can hardly wait until I start taking regular classes again.

I already had to drop my computer class this semester because I have Windows Vista which comes with Microsoft Word Processor and NOT Microsoft Word 2007. I was just seriously like "What the fuck?!" You mean to tell me that because I have Windows Vista and not XP I can't do the work? Not only that but I couldn't even get a refund. It's like I didn't even learn shit in the 2 weeks I was enrolled in the class. As far as I'm concerned my school snaked my money.

Now I find myself at this should I drop the class crossroad once again. I either have to take the risk of failing my government online class and fucking up my GPA or I could stay in and try to pass with a C. Why am I on the road to failing my Government class in the first place you ask? ...because online test taking has got to be the stupidest idea ever. I was finishing up my online test which had to be done today when I made a mistake and clicked out the browser. It's not like we can redo the test either. I doubt the teacher lets me retake it considering this isn't the first time this has happened.

I'm not really stressing about it. I'm one of those people that tries to stay optimistic no matter what. I just feel like it was a waste of money and time which is two things that I hate to see go to waste. All I can do is do well in my remaining online class and do better next semester which is when I'll be taking my Pharmacy course. If everything goes as planned, I'll be a certified Pharmacy Tech before my birthday.

School is taking its toll on me. It doesn't matter how long it takes though... I won't give up until I reach my goal.

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